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Get ready to take your web development skills to the next level with our comprehensive React course! Dive into the world of component-based architecture and learn how to build fast, scalable, and maintainable applications with React.

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Starts on :

January 16, 2024


Duration :

-12 weeks
-264 Hours


Difficulty Level :



Course Fee :



*payment options available

About this course

  • This course involves creating user interfaces and interactive components for websites and web applications. The main learning points include understanding HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as using React to build reusable and modular components. Developers must also understand the React component lifecycle, state management, and the use of hooks.

    Additionally, developers must be able to use libraries and tools such as Redux, React Router, and styled-components to enhance the functionality and user experience of their applications. Overall, a solid understanding of web development concepts, user experience design, and responsive design principles are essential for creating effective and engaging front-end applications with React.

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Why you should take this course?

Grow your career in software development with our comprehensive React.js course.


Hands-on Experience

Our academy offers a practical approach to learning technology, providing students with hands-on experience and real-world scenarios to enhance their understanding and retention of concepts.


Industry-Leading Faculty

Our faculty members are industry experts with years of experience in the field, ensuring that students receive the highest quality education and guidance throughout their academic journey.


Flexible Schedule

Our academy offers flexible scheduling options to accommodate various learning preferences and busy schedules, allowing students to learn at their own pace and convenience..


Network Opportunities

Opportunities to connect with other students who share similar interests and career goals. You can collaborate, exchange ideas, and learn from each other's experiences, which can lead to valuable networking connections.

Learning Outcomes

Develop essential skills and knowledge for a career in React.


Learn the different types of
web technologies and how they
work together.


Know how to program using
web technologies.


Learn how to create web pages
and websites using React.


Be able to debug web code.

Payment Options

We offer flexible and transparent payment options to ensure that you have the freedom to choose the financial arrangement that best suits your unique circumstances and learning journey

One-Time Payment

With a one-time payment, you'll get immediate and complete access to the entire course content, including all modules, lessons, and resources.

Payment Date:



₦350,000₦ 150,000


Paying in installments makes the course more affordable by spreading the cost over 3 months, ensuring it fits your budget.

Payment Date:


On Starting

₦210,000₦ 90,000

30 Days

₦70,000 ₦ 30,000

Training Ends

₦70,000 ₦ 30,000


Learn more about the course.

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